Industrial-scale blood production could become a reality. Indeed, Marc Turner, professor of cell therapy has developed a technique to manufacture artificial blood suitable for human transfusion. An essential discovery even if clinical trials have yet to be carried out.
This program by Professor Marc Turner has been funded to the tune of 5,000,000 pounds by the Wellcome Trust, the world’s richest medical charitable foundation after that of Bill and Melinda Gates.
Professor Marc Turner has developed a technique for culturing red blood cells from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), cells which have been taken from humans and “rewound” on stem cells. Biochemical conditions similar to those of the human body were then recreated to induce iPS cells to mature in red blood cells (of group O, that of universal donors) compatible with all patients.
“Although similar research on artificial blood productionhave been carried out elsewhere, it is the first time that blood has been successfully produced to the appropriate quality and safety standards for transfusion into a human being, ”said Professor Turner.
“We are going to set up clinical trials in 2017 with three patients suffering from thalassemia (an inherited anemia associated with insufficient hemoglobin in red blood cells)” said Professor Marc Turner.
This discovery highlights the prospect of an unlimited supply of type O blood, free from disease and compatible with all patients.
“Although blood banks are well supplied in the UK and transfusion has been largely safe since hepatitis B infections and HIV in the 1970s and 1980s, many parts of the world still have problems with it. blood transfusionSaid Professor Turner.
However, expanding the procedure to meet demand remains a challenge, as Professor Turner’s laboratory conditions are not yet reproducible on an industrial scale. And a transfusion of a single unit of artificial blood costs 146 euros.