First, an aromatherapist, says Danièle Festy. But this is not a commonly practiced specialty. Some pharmacies, very involved in the preparation, thearomatherapy, phyto, nutritional supplements, can provide you with the contact details of representatives of this rare species. If you look carefully, you should be able to find a doctor in every big city! A pharmacist who is very knowledgeable in this area can also advise you. Professional books are also good guides.
In which areas are EOs prescribed?
Essential oils are particularly prescribed and effective in the areas of bacterial and viral infectiology: colds, angina, bronchitis, flu, gastroenteritis. They excel in circulatory and inflammatory problems, the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatism. In the field of the nervous system (excitement, nervousness, sleep disorders, mood disorders, concentration, memorization and preparation for exams, etc.), they can act alone or accompany a treatment allopathic.
What ailments do they treat best?
The essential oils treat everyday ailments: shocks, falls, burns, stings, bites, abrasions…”, explains Danièle Festy. And they are also very helpful in relieving and curbing dermatoses, digestive disorders, but also hormonal or endocrinological disorders. “Research is in progress concerning immunity, cancers, AIDS, and will soon come to support the knowledge already gathered in these fields. Aromatherapy, as old as the world, which has become scientific since the revelation of chemotypes, chromatographies, aromatograms, is only in its infancy. She is full of future. »