1 billion people who use an iPhone are experiencing Apple’s mistake. That’s a shame, because it’s best to solve it.
The iPhone is more secure than Android devices. The company is at the forefront of protecting the privacy of its users. It is also noticeable that Apple’s crackdown on FaceBook and others is a ‘game changer’. But there remains a lack of security that can fix it. They don’t do this because profit comes before safety. Evidently.
Apple’s Huge Mistake
iMessage is the best on the market. Especially when we look at the architecture. It enables end-to-end encryption of multiple devices, without the compromises that keep WhatsApp alive. It syncs a rolling backup so all trusted devices have access to the same chat history, and it works across all your devices. Awesome.
But iMessage still has two major weaknesses – both of which really need to be fixed, and both of which affect its more than billion users.
First, all that clever coding technology is being undermined. This is because Apple continues to store copies of end-to-end encryption keys in common iCloud backups. Unless you disable that backup, Apple can just read your messages. This issue has been making headlines for the past year. And should have been addressed in iOS 15. This also applies to WhatsApp. Unless you disable the general iCloud backups, WhatsApp’s proprietary encrypted backup solution is equally pointless. “If you’ve enabled iCloud backups for your entire iPhone, an unencrypted version of your chat history will also be backed up to iCloud.” This informs WhatsApp.
Second, iMessage will not run cross-platform. Like all of us know, chat within Apple’s ecosystem is safe, but once those blue speech bubbles turn green (SMS), everything is turned off. It remains a missed opportunity that Apple does not solve this.