So easy and tasty recipe to make Apple Tiramisu

Practical information
- Total time: 25 min
- Preparation time: 25 min
- Number of people: 4
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: Economical
- Type of cooking: Slow cooking
- Type: Dessert
- Category: Beverage
- Nutritional criteria: Antioxidant, Low calories, Detox, Gluten free, Lactose free, Egg free, Oilseed free
- Peel and seed the apples, cut them into pieces and cook them for 10 to 15 minutes in a saucepan with a little water. The pieces should be tender, and no liquid should be left. Remove from the heat and let cool.
- Beat the silky tofu so that it takes on a smooth and homogeneous consistency.
- Divide a little cooled compote among 4 ramekins, cover with silky tofu, add a little compote, again silky tofu, and finish with a layer of apple. Serve chilled.
Health tips
Antioxidant, rich in vitamin C, it provides pectin, an anti-cholesterol fiber which helps to capture and eliminate toxins, and which also promotes the feeling of satiety. To choose organic, especially when you want to eat it with the skin.