Get up, walk, stand up. These three actions will now be possible for some paraplegics. The first exoskeleton was approved in the United States.
To walk again after a spinal injury… This is the dream of many paraplegics. The American drug safety authority, the FDA, has approved a device that will allow them to regain partial mobility of the lower limbs: the ReWalk, a kind of exoskeleton that allows some disabled people to get up from a chair, stand up and walk …
Computer and battery in a backpack
The motorized device is in the form of a metal shell which supports the legs and harnesses part of the bust. Motors involve movement in the hips, knees and ankles. The ReWalk also consists of a sensor and a backpack containing the computer and the battery. Thanks to a wireless remote control, worn on the wrist, the user can order the device in three positions: get up or sit down, stand up, walk. A pair of crutches is still necessary to remain stable.
Necessary training
It is the first exoskeleton approved by the FDA. But it is not intended for all paraplegics. Only patients with injuries of the T7 to L5 vertebrae, accompanied by a trained caregiver, can use it on a daily basis. As part of rehabilitation, people with T4 to T6 vertebrae injuries may also have recourse to it. “Innovative tools like ReWalk represent real progress in helping individuals with spinal injuries regain mobility. In addition to physical therapy, training and caregiver assistance, these individuals could use these tools to walk in their homes or communities, ”said Christy Foreman, Director of the Device Assessment Office. to the FDA.
Before using the ReWalk, patients must be able to stand with an assistive device. Their arms and shoulders must be able to support crutches or a walker. However, the use of this device will not be accessible to anyone suffering from fractures, unstable injuries to the spine, spasms or contractures, but also circulatory, cardiac or pulmonary disorders. And before being allowed to use it, training with the manufacturer will be required.