VIDEO – For a month, an American drank ten cans of Coca-Cola a day to denounce the ravages of this drink. The results of his experience are edifying.
Coca-Cola: highly toxic drink. This is what George Prior, a 50-year-old American, wanted to prove. In the manner of Morgan Spurlock, author of the documentary Super Size Me on the ravages of Mc Donald’s, this man conducted a rather original experiment on himself: drinking ten cans of soda per day. And wait for the result. He was not disappointed.
10 kilos in a month
The Daily Mirror tells the story of this Californian who, throughout the month of November, conscientiously swallowed his ten cans of Coke daily, while maintaining a healthy diet. Difficult thing, according to him: the soda filled his stomach and made him hungry for lunch and dinner.
But with a little perseverance, George Prior was able to complete his experience, which he recounts in a video and on a website he created especially for the occasion. Each can equivalent to 35 grams of sugar (7 lumps of sugar), he quickly saw the damage.
So, after thirty days, this fifty-something, although originally slender, gained ten kilos. A glance at the before / after photo shows the effects of the drink: budding love handles, a small belly that settles. But the real devastation is elsewhere.
George Prior, before and after his Coca Cola experience – Screenshot of the website
Arterial pressure
The intake of Coca had the effect of increasing his blood pressure, which went from 129/77 to 145/96 (the ideal pressure being 120/80 millimeters of mercury). Exercise is not without its dangers: the higher the blood pressure, the higher the risk of developing cardiovascular disease or having a stroke. George Prior also showed signs of sugar addiction and withdrawal symptoms when he ended his experience. In two days of weaning, he had already lost two kilos.
“I did this experiment to get people to think about how much sugar they are eating, and to understand how bad it is for their health,” he explained. I urge people to consider how much sugar is in their diet. They should be aware of the real and harmful effects of sugar on their health. “
More than 4,000 liters of Coca-Cola are drunk in the world every second, according to Planetoscope, which produces statistics in real time. A French person drinks an average of 22.7 liters of Coca-Cola per year, while an American drinks an average of 89 liters.