In France, there are approximately 12 million domestic cats. If we know the benefits of purrtherapyaccording to a new study conducted by researchers at the Lorestan University of Medical Sciences (in Iran), cats could nevertheless contribute to the development of certain cerebral pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s disease or schizophrenia…
The culprit is Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite (already responsible for toxoplasmosis) found in the fecal matter of felines. To verify their hypothesis, Iranian scientists organized an experiment with mice – this is the irony of history.
These were placed in contact with the parasite, and were constantly compared to a healthy control group: after a certain time, the researchers noted that the infected rodents presented anomalies in the cerebral transmissions, as well as memory, mood and learning disorders.
Cats are not stuffed animals
Dangerous, our favorite hairballs? To limit the risks, scientists advise washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water (or with an antibacterial solution) after each cleaning of the litter. A task which, we recall, is definitely prohibited for pregnant women…
This is not the first time that cats have been accused of putting our health at risk: in February 2014, an American scientific study revealed that 30% of patients with cat bites on the hand had been hospitalized immediately: the average length of their stay in the clinic was 3.2 days. Indeed, the saliva of 70% to 90% of cats contains the germ Pasteurella multocida responsible, in humans, for infections and bone, joint and tendon sequelae. Be careful with Felix!
Source : Journal of Parasitology