Fight acne
Acne results from inflammation of the sebum-secreting glands at the root of the hairs. The causes can be genetic, dietary, hormonal or stress.
Essential oils limit infection
The EO of clary sage tempers hormonal influences and the EO of Tea tree is anti-infectious. Apply one drop of each EO on acne pimples morning and evening.
Ready to use product
Facial care lotion, 15 ml, € 9.70, Phytosun aroms, SOS skin roller, 5 ml, € 9, Puressentiel.
Gemmotherapy to regulate
Raspberry buds regulate the hormonal system. Take 10 drops in the morning for 3 weeks with a stop of 7 days. Make a 3-month treatment
Our advice: Never pierce an acne pimple to avoid scarring. Avoid the sun afterwards.
Overcome chapped lips
Our lips are fragile and very sensitive to heat, cold and do not like UV rays from the sun or sea salt. As a result, they crack and hurt.
Essential oils calm
The EO of aspic lavender or the EO are soothing. Put 1 drop of EO of your choice in two drops of Sweet Almond Vegetable Oil on the lips twice a day until healing.
Plants hydrate
Aloe gel hydrates and heals dry lips. Shea butter accelerates healing.
Ready to use product
Everon lip care, 4.8 g stick, € 4.95 Weleda
Our advice: In summer, protect your pretty lips with a dab of Shea butter mixed with 1 drop of EO from Aspic Lavender. Apply once or twice a day.
Treat canker sores
Those small painful sores in the mouth occur due to frequent acidity or after eating unwashed nuts or fruit.
Essential oils decrease pain
You have the choice between the EO of Tea tree, Laurier Noble, Thyme vulgar. Apply one drop of EO of your choice to the lesions up to five times a day and stop when the canker sore disappears.
Homeopathy relieves
In case of occasional canker sore, Borax 5 CH, 5 granules three times a day.
Ready to use product
Homeoaftyl, 60 tablets, € 5.70, Boiron.
Our advice: Make mouthwashes after each meal with 30 ml of water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda.
Cure a cold sore
The appearance of herpetic lesions is favored by stress, emotional shock, exposure to the sun.
Essential oils heal
From the first burning sensations, apply 1 drop of Ravintsara EO, the antiviral EO on herpes lesions, three times a day until healing.
Ready to use products
Cold sore lotion, 15 ml, € 9.70, Phytosun aroms, SOS labial gel, 5 ml, € 9, Puressentiel.
Gemmotherapy to fight against the virus
Rosa canina buds have antiviral action. Take 10 drops in the morning for 21 days with a stop of 7 days. Make a cure of 3 months.
Our advice: In a crisis, do not kiss your friends so as not to transmit the virus to them.
>> To read also:
Chapped lips: 5 natural recipes to treat them
Natural tips against pimples
10 dermatological tips for beautiful skin