In summer, the bodies are exposed. Lighter outfits, swimsuits … Let’s see what relationship you have with your body, and how you will manage this summer to keep your weight and beautiful shape, without taking any risks for the start of the school year.
The bodily ideal is built mainly in two ways. On the one hand, the economic context sometimes causes the obligation to eat and eat as much as possible in the event of dietary restrictions, to prevent famine.
On the other hand, the representation of the body and beautiful shapes is often defined by the artists – that they are sculptors, draftsmen, painters or, even more today, filmmakers, photographers – and now by social networks.
The beautiful shapes defined by the influencers?
Those we call the “Influencers” are drawing the ideal body today. Photographers of an imaginary body, they also have the possibility, like the painter, of modifying their silhouette thanks to the software of photographic correction.
The greater the notoriety or the strength of this influencer, the faster he will impose this beauty model. Schopenhauer said that life is a pendulum that evolves from dissatisfaction to boredom.
We wonder if the influencer is not in the world of boredom and his follower in that of dissatisfaction.
Faced with this mechanism, a model of protest is developing. A word appears, and you heard it: the “Grossophobia”.
Along with the desire to fight against this form of discrimination against the obese or fat, we also try to highlight a woman with beautiful shapes or more developed forms, not completely obese, but really overweight, with a silhouette that resembles that of the Renaissance.
The “large” mannequins
This is not new, since a few years ago, an obese model appeared in advertisements on the walls of Paris. The effect was notorious and everyone talked about it, but a year later, all was forget.
I have to say that obesity still stay for the moment minority in our country, and that militant groups do not have enough visibility to be able to obtain a result in the face of general pressure.
Some form ofhypocrisy reigns within brands and advertising who promote curvy or obese women, supposedly to protect women from the diktat of thinness, but especially to treat yourself to an image fight against discrimination.
Likewise, some newspapers cover a fat or curvy woman with beautiful shapes but do not do so. only once, for the famous buzz ! It is difficult to change society and the desire for thinness or thinness, at least in our time, since it is a collective wish.
Mirror, my beautiful mirror
the mirror has always been an important symbol. the cellphone now fulfills this role. He is our mirror, but he is also now the mirror image offered to all who look at him.
And what image do you want to offer yourself, and offer to the gaze of the other? And is the gaze of the other so important?
This mirror, what is our phone or the gaze of others fixed for each of us our desires, embodying both what we are and what we would like to be. This image sends to the other what he should be and what he is not.
This lag creates frustration in the face of beautiful shapes and amplifies the desire to force oneself to want a body that is sometimes impossible to reach, at the cost of any deprivation.
So I repeat, take your time. Losing weight quickly at the start can motivate you but you know how to lose weight with long-term weight loss and a real food rehabilitation, the results are good best.
If you reread the text of Plato’s Banquet, you will see how many beauty is a subjective criterion which is not only about the body, and perhaps even less about the body than the rest.
But this essentially philosophical approach is confronted with the power of the outside. Formerly more modest, this impregnation has become now very violent because of the reign of the image.
Before, a advertising was offered to all eyes, in an open environment. Today she is personalized : you watch yours on your screen, in your privacy, alive alone the pain of not being the model we are looking at.
In such a context, all attempts to enhance your forms will be difficult to triumph, despite your wisest wishful thinking. I see it on a daily basis. I have always supported the idea that the ideal weight was the one where you find yourself beautiful and happy.
While I generally gain the approval of my patients in the privacy of the office, when confronted outside, my word loses its force and the desire to lose weight at all costs comes back at full gallop.
Our own image tends to build on the image of others, which also explains the unreason in the practice of regimes because only the result counts.
So this summer, be indulgent with yourself, keep eating pleasure while keeping control because your beautiful forms are up to you!