During the winter, the lack of physical activity promotes venous insufficiency and water retention. Result: you may have heavy and swollen legs. This symptom affects one in two women, but don’t despair, you can have beautiful woman’s legs and it’s easier than you think…
Ladies, to find beautiful woman’s legs, you will of course have to accept some dietary changes. This is to fight against water retention and boost blood circulation. An entire program !
In addition, small tips can help you avoid heavy legs. And for really slim your legsa minimum of physical activity will be essential!
5 basic rules for beautiful female legs
Yes, provided you watch your diet. What you eat affects your blood circulation and can promote water retention in your legs. For example, sodium (salt) is an enemy of thin legs because it contributes to the phenomenon of water retention.
- Avoid over-salting your dishes and only eat no industrial ready meals which often contain astronomical quantities. To refine your legs, also avoid sugary foods that promote insulin production, fat storage and the appearance of cellulite.
- Eat light and colorful. Bet everything on fresh fruits and vegetables (and preferably organic). The antioxidants, dietary fiber, proteins and vitamins they contain help you preserve your venous system.
- Also eat omega-3 rich foods (fatty fish, rapeseed oil, etc.). They will help stimulate your blood circulation because omega-3s help thin the blood.
- Also favor foods that have a draining action as the grapeor those that are high in potassium likespinach and which will help eliminate excess water and therefore avoid storing it.
- Above all, stay hydrated! To drink a lot of water is essential when you want to avoid water retention: the more your body is hydrated, the less water it will store for fear of running out.
5 simple daily gestures
To boost blood circulation and help your legs deflate, there are no miracle solutions. You have to work on it by using small daily gestures such as:
- Pass your legs under cold water (from the feet to the thighs),
- Do a walk 30 minute fast,
- Avoid wearing heels that are too high and tight-fitting clothes that compress the legs,
- Sleep with your legs slightly elevated,
- Give yourself a massage at the end of the day.
2 easy exercises for beautiful female legs
To have beautiful female legs, it is important to practice physical activity. This will help you slim down your legs and fight heavy legs.
Your goal is to have beautiful woman’s legs, and to achieve significant muscle building, your exercise sessions must be intense and regular (at least 2 or 3 times a week). Favor physical activities that will not make you gain a lot of muscle volume but will rather shape your lower muscles. The ideal is to combine a little weight training and cardio. With bodybuilding you will produce adrenaline and destock fat that you will then eliminate thanks to cardio.
Here are two examples of very simple exercises to obtain beautiful female legs.
The chair on the wall
This is the perfect exercise to tone your thighs. Doing the chair will particularly solicit your hamstrings (the back of the thighs) and your quadriceps (the front of the thighs).
- Back leaning against a wall, lower until your legs are parallel to the floor.
- Keep your arms along the wall, your feet flat on the ground.
- Hold the position.
The squat is a very good exercise to work the lower muscles, therefore to tone the thighs and have beautiful woman’s legs. Start standing, arms along the body, feet in line with the shoulders.
- Bend your legs until they are parallel to the ground and then come back up.
- Be sure to keep your body weight on your heels, not your tiptoes.
- Slow down the descent and on the contrary speed up the ascent.
- You can also throw your arms forward during the descent to gain balance.