“It’s done. After months of research, doubts and medical hazards, I was finally removed this sick breast” has just written Alice Detollenaere, the companion of Camille Lacourt, on her Instagram account.
“Because no one should feel isolated in this situation, because it should not be a shame or a taboo, go and have your breasts checked girls” she adds to the attention of her subscribers. all the more important as breast cancer is the most common and deadly cancer in women.
No screening before age 50
If breast cancer screening concerns women aged 50 to 74, it is quite simply because 8 out of 10 cancers develop in this age group. But recently, American researchers determined that some young women “at risk” should have their breasts examined as early as 30 years old. The main risks listed by these researchers are: dense breasts, a family history of breast cancer and possibly previously developed breast cancer.
Read also :
- Breast cancer screenings on the decline
- Infographic: what is organized breast cancer screening
- Breast cancer: screening, and after?