A simple flash on a QR code can facilitate the work of emergencies by alerting more quickly the family of a person “lost or victim of accident”.
Yannick Allibert, computer scientist by profession, decided to create and finance this completely free service after a family experience which deeply marked him. “The emergencies took a long time to contact the parents of a child I know who had an accident. The youngster only had his identity card with him and rescue had no number to contact “.
If the boy had had a QR code label on him, the emergency services could have called his parents directly and would have learned certain information about him, such as “the fact that he is diabetic”, specifies Yannick Allibert, contacted by Top Health.
This episode confirms him in his choice to put his computer skills at the service of a very useful alert system. The process is simple: by going to www.alertmecode.com, the user enters his name and first name as well as three numbers to contact if necessary. The user’s email address is also requested. However “no personal data is kept”, assures the founder of Urgent code.
Once these fields have been filled in, all you have to do is print the number of QR code labels you want and wear one with you on each trip. In the event of an accident, the emergency services flash the QR code with their smartphone and call the people registered by the victim.
Emergency physicians appreciate
Since the launch of the site in France, Belgium and Quebec three weeks ago, 2,000 AlertMe Codes have already been generated, welcomes Yannick Allibert, himself astonished at the success of this operation “which has nothing to do with it. a publicity stunt “.
Who are these QR codes for? Parents who can print them for their children but not only. Elderly people, “cyclists who have no papers with them when they train”, or marathon runners, have shown their interest in this tool.
Emergency physicians, who must flash this AlertMe Code, also support the initiative. Especially since no Internet connection is necessary to access the information of AlertMe Code. “I do not claim to revolutionize the emergency service, but emergency doctors tell me that they can get information very quickly,” explains Yannick Allibert.
The enthusiastic reception could augur new developments to this tool, which “will always remain free”, promises its founder.