According to the French Alcohol Society, 400,000 hospitalizations were linked to alcohol in one year, a jump of 30% in three years. Young people are said to be more and more affected.
400,000 alcohol-related hospitalizations in one year, a 30% jump in three years. These are the alarming figures of a report by the French Society of Alcoholics revealed by Europe 1. Alcoholic comas, hepatitis, cirrhosis, but also mental disorders due to addiction the causes are unfortunately numerous.
For example, the report reveals that hospital stays linked to alcohol are twice as many as those caused by diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Alcohol has become the leading cause of hospitalization in France. Even more serious, short stays of less than two days, which generally concern people who are not yet alcoholics but who are on the verge of tipping, have increased by 80%.
These short stays would concern more and more young people and women. “We see more and more young people who come to the emergency room with very high alcohol levels, who will stay 24 hours, sometimes two days, to sober up,” noted on Europe 1 Dr Damien Labarrière, gastroenterologist at the CHR in Orléans. They are also found in intensive care units ”. With “already very serious consequences on health, at the level of the pancreas or liver. Cirrhosis that you didn’t see at the age of 25, but much later ”.
A finding which confirms the one drawn up a few days ago by the Gustave-Roussy Institute (Villejuif). Alcohol consumption would have caused the death of 49,000 people in France in 2009. That is 9% of all deaths. In addition, the study authors specified that the fraction of deaths attributable to alcohol was higher among young and middle-aged people (22% of deaths among 15-34 year olds and 18% among 35- 64 years) than among the oldest (7% among those 65 and over). Conclusion: 1 in 5 deaths among young people is linked to alcohol.