In Europe, alcohol kills 3 million people every year. In addition, the risk of death from alcohol consumption is closely related to standard of living, according to the findings of a study. study published in the medical journal PLoS Medicine.
In fact, researchers at Erasmus University (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) analyzed medical data dealing with death, psychosis, addiction, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, and intoxication. accidental death registers from 17 European countries. The findings of this study revealed that the less advantaged socio-economic categories are the most affected by mortality due to the alcohol. For example in Finland, the death rate can be multiplied by 3.6 depending on the level of education. While this “socio-professional” inequality in pathologies and deaths linked to excessive alcohol consumption does not seem to affect countries like France, it is important to remember that alcohol remains a public health problem in France.
In France, alcohol is consumed without moderation
The French also consume 11.1 liters of alcohol per year and per capita, which places them in 7th position, behind the Lithuanians, the largest consumers of the OECD with more than 14 liters, according to the latest figures from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). However, alcohol is a real public health problem. More than 200 diseases are linked to alcohol consumption: infectious diseases, traffic accidents, injuries, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes… Pathologies or accidents which account for 5.9% of annual deaths. 1 in five deaths in the world results from the ravages of alcohol, informs the World Health Organization (WHO) on its site. 3.3 million people died in 2012, against 2.5 million in 2005. And 320,000 young people aged 15 to 29 die each year from alcohol-related causes, recalls the WHO.
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Alcoholics Anonymous: 55 years in the fight against addiction
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