With two glasses of alcohol a day, Europe leads the ranking of related illnesses and deaths.
We can recognize it in all objectivity, without being qualified as chauvinist: Europe – and in particular France – is the region of the world where the spirits are the best. Beer, strong alcohols, wines, champagne… The diversity and quality of the products have anchored alcohol consumption in the cultures of the different countries that make it up.
And this habit translates into consumption. In the world, it is in Europe that we drink the most, according to a report from United european gastroenterology (UEG), a non-profit organization that brings together European learned societies on digestive health.
With 9 liters of pure alcohol consumed per year and per person, Europe ranks far ahead of the American continent (7.2 L) and the Western Pacific region (5.1 L), with a score almost twice as high than the world average (4.7 L). France, on the other hand, exceeds the average with 11.3 L. One in five Europeans over 15 years old gets drunk at least once a week.
Alcohol consumption by region of the world (Source: UEG with WHO)
One drink per day, minimum
In the 28 countries, the average consumption is still more than one drink per day. These figures are enough to place many inhabitants at risk for colorectal or esophageal cancer. For heavy drinkers, the risk of pancreatic, liver and stomach cancer skyrockets.
However, these five diseases are the most common digestive cancers in the world, and cause more than three million deaths annually, or one third of all cancer-related deaths. By associating alcohol consumption and the related health risks, it is therefore not surprising to note that Europe is also the continent where alcohol-related deaths are the most numerous.
Communicate the risks
The fault, in part, with a lack of clear communication on the subject, believe the experts of UAE. The link between alcohol and cancer, for example, eludes 90% of Europeans. The recommendations on alcohol units are also not strict.
The prevention message should therefore be harmonized at European level, to make it more intelligible. Other measures could be taken: warnings on bottles, minimum prices per dose of alcohol, abandonment of alcohol advertising on television or during sporting events, etc.
France, a good student
France, according to the rapporteurs, is a model in Europe. In about fifty years, wine consumption has been halved there, thanks to the rules imposed for marketing, or regulations on alcohol at work, for example.
Undermined by alcoholism, Lithuania will also take drastic measures from 2018. People over 15 years old drink on average the equivalent of almost 1,000 pints of beer per year! The law his government has planned will be the strictest in Europe. It plans to remove advertising in the media, alcohol from certain terraces, reduce the time slots during which sales will be authorized, the creation of businesses specializing in the sale of alcohol, and the raising of the legal age. from 18 to 20 years old.
Alcohol consumption by country in Europe (Source: UEG)
A struggle over time
“One of the biggest challenges in the fight against excessive alcohol consumption is the deep link between alcohol and European society, which is both social and cultural,” explains Prof. Markus Peck, hepatologist. at the University of Medicine of Vienna (Austria). Political actions such as establishing a minimum price and reducing access to alcohol must be taken immediately to prevent future problems. “
Unfortunately, even if in Lithuania, the new law has not met with particular opposition, other European governments could come up against lobbies, which do not hesitate to exacerbate the cultural attachment to alcohol.
Even if France is seen as a good student for its fight against alcoholism, the measures taken on advertising keep changing: ban on billboards, but not for beer and wine, then finally not for strong spirits either… On the radio, advertisements for beer and strong spirits have also reappeared. Given the situation in France, the European fight against alcohol promises to be complicated!