How do you know if you are engaging with the right partner? Can you really overcome your fear of commitment? Engagement is a challenge in our modern societies.
Getting involved means taking the risk of being disappointed and betrayed, but also of succeeding in a fulfilling life as a couple. Giving trust by accepting the unknown and overcoming your doubts can be one of the most beautiful proofs of love.
Why do we doubt the commitment?
The idea of making a lifelong commitment to the same person can seem scary. Investing completely in the relationship is more than a love choice, it is a life choice that gives rise to many questions.
The discovery of the other’s faults, his imperfections, or his manias call into question the idea of the ideal partner and raise distressing questions around the uncertainty and doubts of his commitment.
How to overcome your fear?
Like all other fears, fear of commitment is actually a fear of what’s to come and the unknown. It is often past experiences and in particular romantic failures that reappear at the time of engagement and can cause a blockage. P
To overcome it, there are several solutions:
• Accept his partner as he is, including his faults;
• Understand what is at the origin of his fear (difficult love journey, experience of abandonment, etc.);
• Preserve moments of personal freedom (sport, friendly meetings, etc.);
• Talk about it with your partner to feel reassured;
• Live day to day without putting pressure on yourself;
• Approach conflicts in a positive and constructive way.
Does Eternal Love Really Exist?
With almost one in two marriages ending in divorce, the concept of eternal love falters more and more, and for all generations. From the slightest argument in the couple, doubts set in and we wonder if it is possible to overcome this ordeal.
This is where a courageous and deep commitment to each other, sometimes symbolized by a marriage, makes it possible to come together and stay a whole life, no matter what the weather.