“One in two smokers die from tobacco.” The message appears in white letters on a black background at the end of a 40-second spot broadcast on television channels from May 31 to June 20 on the occasion of the new communication from the Ministry of Health and INPES.
This message is intended for active smokers because “if an important battle against passive smoking has already been won by the entry into force on January 1, 2008 of the ban on smoking in places of conviviality, communication to smokers must be continued: the number of smokers is no longer decreasing and intentions to quit stagnate because, although they consider themselves informed of the risks associated with tobacco consumption, smokers tend to underestimate the risks for themselves “.
In addition to TV spots, it will also be necessary to count on posters showing the risks of being struck by lightning, of being devoured by a shark and that of dying from smoking… much more important.
Note: the new number of Tabac info service is 39 89 accessible from May 31.
More information on the websiteINPES.