Due to the stigma of acne, patients with this disease have a significant risk of developing mental disorders, according to the British Skin Foundation.
In adolescents, acne is the subject of more or less doubtful valves, and painful complexes for those who are victims. If there is one disease that does not stir up the benevolence of society, it is this one. However, patients endure psychological suffering that must absolutely be taken into account.
Suicide, ruptures, assaults
This is the appeal of the British Skin Foundation, relayed by the newspaper The Independent. According to this medial association, nearly 20% of people with acne have had thoughts of suicide. A similar proportion has ended a romantic relationship because of this dermatological disorder. Finally, 60% of patients have suffered verbal attacks because of the appearance of their skin.
Society must understand that acne is a disease like any other that it would never be possible to laugh at, the association explains. “We need to show respect, to help people overcome this disorder, instead of denigrating and stigmatizing them,” said the president of the Changing Face association, which helps patients with disfigurement, quoted by BBC Newsbeat.
The reports of doctors who take care of acne are alarming. They testify to the feeling of shame developed by patients, most often in adolescence but also in adulthood, and even if the symptoms have disappeared. This feeling manifests itself in negative attitudes (shy eyes, poor self-esteem, confinement, isolation), which can generate serious mental disorders. This disease must therefore be normalized within society, especially since it is particularly common there.