On the occasion of 40th anniversary of the Veil law, which legalized access to voluntary termination of pregnancy, the High Council for Equality between Women and Men (HCE) took stock of the recommendations it made in 2013.
An overall positive result since “thanks to the strengthening of the legal and regulatory arsenal and the national action program for access to abortion, more than two-thirds of the recommendations issued by the HCE have been implemented” said Danielle Bousquet, president of HCE.
Authorize abortion in family planning centers
However, the High Council considers that the right toaccess to abortion can still be improved.
• Short term : “by examining as soon as possible the bill relating to the extension of the offense of obstructing information published on the internet abortion”.
• Medium term : “by removing the last obstacles to full access to abortion (removal of the double conscience clause, authorization of abortions by aspiration in family planning and family education centers (CPEF) and in multi-professional health centers “.
• In the time : by carrying out annual testings to guarantee, everywhere in the territory, the best conditions of access to abortion (free choice of method, access between 10 and 12 weeks as provided by law, confidentiality, free, effective choice for undocumented women).
The entire balance sheet can be viewed here.
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Medicated abortion: pain is underestimated
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