Already very limited in Poland, a bill provides for a total ban on abortion and to penalize with heavy penalties (5 years in prison) women and doctors practicing it.
After Spain in 2014, the right to abortion is once again threatened in Europe! Already very limited in Poland – in the event of risk to the life and health of the mother and that of the embryo, and to pregnancies resulting from rape – a new bill proposed by anti-choice organizations provides for completely prohibit abortion and penalize with heavy penalties (5 years in prison) women and doctors practicing it. In addition, the emergency pill would be prohibited, like prenatal tests.
This possible legislative change scandalizes the French association Osez le feminisme !. In a statement released on Friday, she writes: “No justification of any kind can explain the questioning of this fundamental right, if it is not the desire to control the body of women, in the name of a patriarchal and religious ideology, thus emphasizing danger to the lives of thousands of women ”. “The better-off among them will go abroad to have an abortion,” add these activists.
The “angel makers” back?
As for the others, “they will be reduced to the methods of” angel makers “(hangers, knitting needles, bleach injected into the uterus, etc.), even if it means dying of it”, worries the association. .
She recalls that each year around the world, 5 million women are hospitalized for severe complications related to unsafe abortions. And 47,000 women die from it, that is to say one every 8 minutes.
Dare feminism! has therefore chosen to mobilize alongside Polish women and asks that this “scandalous and liberticidal” bill be definitively buried.
Gathering at 3 p.m. in Paris (Invalides)
As they had done during the mobilization against the Spanish bill abortion limitation – finally withdrawn – these women will be present this Sunday April 10 at 3 p.m. on the Esplanade des Invalides (rue de Constantine / rue de Talleyrand 75007 Paris). An event which is also associated with the High Council for Equality between Women and Men.
More than three thousand people gathered for their part on Saturday in Warsaw in front of the seat of the Parliament to protest against this bill supported by the conservatives in power currently, reports a correspondent of Agence France Presse (AFP).
On April 3, there were already thousands in the same square equipped with hangers, used to perform clandestine abortions.