Saturday January 23, 2015: 100% coverage of the entire abortion process will come into effect on 1er April 2016.
The act itself was already fully reimbursed since 2013, but it is now the entire course of abortion that will be taken care of, namely consultations, examinations and ultrasounds.
One year after the launch of National action program, the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine said most measures for access to abortion have been put in place. Information tools have been strengthened, in particular with the launch of a free and anonymous information number, 0 800 08 11 11, and an information campaign, “Abortion, my body, my choice, my law “.
Access to abortion has also been facilitated, with two other measures: the elimination of the one-week reflection period and the possibility for midwives to perform medical abortion and for health centers, Instrumental abortion.