the tiger mosquito was until now presented as the most formidable vector of viral diseases such as Dengue fever and Chikungunya. Another mosquito will now attract the attention of researchers, Stegomya pia. With its black and shiny body adorned with scales with a silver or yellow reflection (“pia” means “pretty” in Shimaore, the language of Mayotte), this mosquito living only in Mayotte is however not harmless.
Researchers from the Research Institute for Development (IRD) and the Indian Ocean Regional Health Agency have discovered that Stegomya pia is from the same family as the tiger mosquito. This group brings together species that are very similar on the morphological and physiological levels as well as for many life traits such as preferential breeding sites, food habits and longevity. All are known to transmit these infections through their bites.
The discovery of this new species from Mayotte, presumed vector, makes it possible to better understand the mosquitoes to be fought, their particularities and their habits, in particular food. It may lead to better prevention of the risk of disease transmission.
As a reminder, Chikungunya causes acute febrile polyarthritis affecting the wrists, ankles, knees, more rarely the hips or shoulders, which can lead to inflammatory arthritis. As for Dengue fever, it causes fever, headaches, fatigue, vomiting and rashes. In some cases, it can go so far as to cause death.
The prevention of these two diseases relies solely on the mosquito control thanks in particular to the wearing of long clothes, the use of repellents and mosquito nets, as well as the elimination of potential breeding sites.