The fragrant yellow flowers of the lime tree have been known since the Middle Ages to facilitate the body’s natural perspiration, which helps to make gradually lower the temperature. The heat of the herbal tea also promotes this phenomenon and drinking regularly helps fight against the dehydration that accompanies fever.
Thanks to its sedative properties, linden relieves headache and body aches and can be used in sick children, who will benefit from its soothing effect to get a good night’s sleep. An infusion of linden is also excellent to fight against runny nose. It can therefore do double duty in the event of a cold!
- Prepare a cup of boiling water and pour a teaspoonful (approximately 5 g) of dried linden flowers.
- Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
- Drink between 2 and 4 cups a day, including one in the evening, just before bedtime, to promote sleep.
Good reflexes against fever
• Avoid covering up too much (even if you are cold), as this makes the fever rise.
• Apply cool compresses or a damp cloth for 10 minutes on the calves, but also on the face and the neck – two centers of temperature regulation. It helps the body to cool down gradually. Repeat 3 or 4 times a day.
• Consult a doctor if fever persists beyond 2 days.
Read also :
Fever: which essential oils to lower it?
Fever: which type of thermometer to favor?