March 18, 2016
The operation of the last chance, an advertisement on the Bon Coin, having given nothing (despite 600 consultations), a small municipality of Côtes-d’Armor decided to entrust one of the vacant posts of doctor of the village to .. . a druid!
A cabinet on the first floor of the town hall
During a meeting organized with elected officials, Gwenaël Trochet, healer druid, was dubbed by the municipality, which gave him a “cabinet” to receive his “patients”. Installed on the first floor of the town hall, it receives residents of the community of municipalities from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. from La Roche-Derrien, Langoat, Pommerit-Jaudy, Troguery, Hengoat and Pouldouran.
False provocation or real poisoning?
In reality, we do not really know if the elected officials of the municipalities concerned have not especially sought to advertise their “country”, to try to attract at all costs a doctor from a large city. The story is indeed very similar to that of the film “an almost perfect village”, in which Didier Bourdon, mayor of a small village in the Basque Country, tries to attract Lorant Deutsch, doctor … of the city ! In the film, the inhabitants of the city try by all means to make themselves sympathetic to the eyes of the visiting doctor, in order to convince him to stay.
Will a real doctor be seduced by these villages which are ready to entrust their health to a healer, in desperation? Answer in a few weeks, probably.
To read also: The “ideal” doctor