In many Asian countries, skin whitening is a common cosmetic surgery procedure. But the new trend that is panicking the Internet is the one launched by a clinic in Bangkok, Thailand, which told the BBC receive an average of 20 to 30 patients per month for vaginal bleaching and penis.
The operation involves breaking down the melanin with a laser. The cost of the procedure is $ 650 (545 euros) for five sessions.
Warning of side effects
“This cosmetic surgery is popular with gay men and transvestites who take care of their private parts and want to look good all over their body.” explains the clinic’s marketing manager.
But in the face of the media buzz (the clinic’s first social media post was shared more than 19,000 times in two days), the Thai health ministry has issued a warning against possible side effects such as pain, inflammation, scarring and even against unknown effects on the reproductive system and sexual relations.
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