On the occasion of the closing of the Assises Parisiennes de la Santé, the mayor of Paris announced new measures in the capital.
They will be part of the Parisian decor. In the capital, 1000 defibrillators will be deployed in the public space. The mayor of the city, Anne Hidalgo, announced it this Monday on the occasion of the closing of the Parisian Assises of Health.
To prevent sudden death, defibrillators will be deployed within five years. “They will be installed in front of each pharmacy, in parks or on the banks of the Seine. They will be a concrete and useful tool in the face of heart attacks, ”said Anne Hidalgo.
A youth health space
The mayor also announced the creation of a health prevention space dedicated to young people, in the center of Paris. “It will allow young Parisians to dialogue with professionals on subjects that are sometimes complicated to tackle as a family, such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco or sexuality,” she underlined.
For ten months, professionals, associations, citizens, representative organizations and elected officials debated the health issues that arise in Paris to achieve several common objectives: improving the health of Parisians, reducing social, territorial and environmental health inequalities, and strengthen disease prevention.
This consultation was closed on Monday by Anne Hidalgo and her health assistant, Bernard Jomier. In her speech, the Mayor of Paris hailed “a first fundamental step, which made it possible to identify and understand the needs of the inhabitants in a fine, precise and lucid way”.
“Local Health Contract”
“The work undertaken together will be deepened and extended without delay, by signing a Local Health Contract with the Regional Health Agency. It will be the marker of an evolution towards a true Parisian policy of territorialized public health ”, she detailed.
The City of Paris will also perpetuate the “PARIS MED” facility to help young doctors and health professionals set up, which has been successfully tested for a year and which has already enabled the installation of several medical practices. Finally, it will continue to offer free training in life-saving gestures, “with the objective of initiating 25,000 Parisians per year”.
The Assises Parisiennes de la Santé will henceforth be held every year, in the form of a “Parisian Health Week”. It will make it possible to perpetuate this health democracy approach which has been acclaimed by professionals in the sector.