In February 2016, the confidence of French households fell: the indicator lost 2 points. In question, a resurgence of fears on the unemployment front and on purchasing power.
Unemployment, decline in purchasing power, reform of labor law, all these factors seem to weigh on the morale of the French at the start of the year. According to INSEE (1), in February 2016, household confidence fell. The indicator which synthesizes it indeed loses 2 points compared to at least January. It stands at 95, and thus deviates a little more from its long-term average of 100.
To justify this trend, the Institute surveyed the French on two indicators: their personal situation and the economic context in France. Regarding the first, data shows that in February, households’ opinions on their future personal financial situation slightly weakens: the balance also loses 2 points.
As such, households are significantly less numerous than in January to consider it appropriate to make major purchases. : “After a rebound of 8 points the previous month, the balance of opinion fell by 6 points in February”, it is written.
Fear of unemployment
On the economic context in France, in February, the opinion of households on the future standard of living in France decreases again: “The corresponding balance loses 7 points after having gained 5 points in January”. The balance on the past standard of living is for its part almost stable (-1 point). Both balances remain below their long-term average.
Finally, after declining in January, household fears about unemployment were heightened again in February. With figures rising sharply since the corresponding balance increased by 13 points and returned to its level of last December. He’s also back above his long-run average.
According to figures published on Wednesday by the Ministry of Labor, the number of job seekers registered with Pôle emploi in category A (that is to say without activity) fell by 0.8% in January, with 27,900 fewer unemployed. A note of optimism that will perhaps boost the morale of the French …
(1) The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies