An innovative solution toobesity and to chronic diseases. It is in these terms that researchers in diabetology at the University of Leicester (United Kingdom) speak of Pokémon Go, the new IRL (In Real Life) tracking game for Pokémon on smartphones. As it pushes Pokemon hunters to walk to capture these virtual creatures, this game finds its place among the most effective daily physical activities.
“Get up from your sofa and walk the streets”
“If it gets people to get up from their sofas and walk the streets, then this game can be an innovative solution to newbie obesity.“underlines doctor Tom Yates, in a Leicester University press release. However, reducing the risk of obesity also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Pokémon Go could thus motivate its players to get up regularly and walk for several minutes each day: practices that are in line with health recommendations. public. And the potential of this game is immense since to date, 75 million people around the world have already downloaded it.
Goal 10,000 steps per day
In France, the game has been available since July 25 and the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine encouraged fans to leave their homes and walk to play Pokémon Go. Remember that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends to perform 10,000 steps per day. No reason, therefore, to limit your Pokémon hunting sessions, provided of course you remain attentive to your environment. Because an accident happens quickly when you keep your eyes glued to your screen, on the lookout for a new rare Pokémon.
To all trainers: get out, walk, it’s good for your health! But stay alert to avoid the accident. Good hunt! #PokemonGo
– Marisol Touraine (@MarisolTouraine) July 25, 2016
>> To read also:
The smartphone, a love killer on vacation?
Kids: the Wii doesn’t get them moving enough
A video game (free) with Lucky Luke to raise awareness about diabetes