On June 10, the Royal Caribbean shipping company said two people aboard the Celebrity Millennium tested positive for the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. However, the crew as well as the passengers are vaccinated against Covid-19.
Two positive people out of 1,250 people
The Celebrity Millennium is a cruise ship, which is one of the first to sail in North America since the Covid-19 epidemic began. To resume their activities, cruise passengers had to strictly adhere to the protocols recommended by the authorities. The Centers for the Prevention and Control of Diseases, the CDC, have in fact given new conditions to allow ships to return to sea, in particular the vaccination of at least 95% of the people on the boat (passengers and crew). . Yet two cases of Covid-19 were found aboard the Celebrity Millennium, which left Sint Maarten, the Dutch part of the Caribbean island on June 5, despite ” a crew and passengers vaccinated “. In total, 600 passengers are on board the vessel as well as 650 members of the crew. On board the ship, officials conduct a contact tracing operation. This situation may recall that of the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship in which more than 3,000 people were confined for several days aboard the vessel in Japan, last February.
All are however vaccinated
Before embarkation, passengers were forced to provide proof of their vaccination, in addition to a negative screening test dating back less than 72 hours. Both cases were confirmed positive for Covid-19 during the “ compulsory end-of-cruise test “. For its part, Royal Caribbean says it has collaborated with partner destinations and ” override “The instructions of the American public health agency in order to” protect the health and safety of (its) passengers “. The shipping company indicated that these “ individuals are asymptomatic, currently in isolation and monitored by our medical team “.