The benefits of feverfew against migraine are mainly provided by its leaves which are used in dry form. It is nevertheless necessary to know how to be patient because the effects of the plant are not fully felt until after several weeks.
Name: Feverfew
Scientific name : Tanacetum parthenium
Family: Asteraceae
Parts used: flowers and leaves
Indications: migraine, headache, painful periods
Preparation: infusion.
The feverfew (or Partenelle) is a perennial medicinal plant, native to Greece and Portugal. It is found in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia. In the past, the benefits of feverfew were used by giving it to women during childbirth to help them expel the placenta, or during painful periods.
The benefits of feverfew against migraines
Nowadays, the plant is mainly used to decrease the frequency of appearance and the intensity of migraines.
It is thanks to its active ingredient, parthenolide, that the Feverfew helps the relaxation of cerebral contractions whatever the origin (menstrual cycle, stress, strong emotions).
Thanks to its benefits, feverfew thus facilitates cerebral microcirculation by dilating the small vessels and arteries of the brain. The brain tensions eventually disappear but it takes at least 4 weeks before the effects of the plant are fully felt.
Be careful, however, the use of feverfew is contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for those who are breastfeeding.
3 chamomiles for the price of one!
Another point to note, do not confuse the feverfew with other chamomiles like german chamomile or the Roman chamomile.
The german chamomile (also called matricaria or true chamomile) is a totally different little plant that does not have at all the same properties for preventing migraine. It is found in the wild at the edge of country lanes. Its medicinal properties have been used for centuries against digestive disorders and to heal wounds.
The matricaria indeed has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. We use it to calm nervous children and help them get to sleep because its action is gentle.
The Roman chamomile (or noble chamomile) is an aromatic perennial plant, present on European lawns. Roman chamomile flowers are used to make infusions which have a soothing effect and medicinal properties (digestion, skin inflammation, etc.). Roman chamomile is also used in aromatherapy as an essential oil.
The benefits of feverfew
Work, hectic family life, transport, children, etc… the opportunities for stress, nervousness, irritability and overwork are numerous.
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In order not to get overwhelmed, food supplements developed based on feverfew can represent effective responses against stress and migraines.
As this plant has a very bitter flavor, the capsule packaging facilitates its use.