We can never repeat it enough, but in the same way as a healthy diet and regular physical activity, quality sleep contributes to good health. It is one of the essential factors of psychological balance, and of physical and mental recovery whatever the age, the environment and the state of health.
Many scientific publications claim that poor sleep greatly increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, among other worrying consequences. And according to Inserm, one in three people is affected by a sleep disorder. Over the past year, the Covid-19 health crisis has obviously accentuated the problem, as evidenced by the sharp increase in the consumption of sleeping pills.
A relaxing routine before going to sleep
So, when we wake up regularly during the night, Are there appropriate reflexes to adopt or to banish? First, to avoid insomnia, a preparation prior to a peaceful night is essential and is planned an hour and a half or two hours before. This means that it is necessary to establish an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and letting go during this period of time. “Establishing a routine of physical and mental relaxation allows sleep to arrive, and to last without successive awakenings. If we brood over our worries too much, if we think about the amount of things we have to do the next day, if we focus on our professional or personal worries, in other words, if we focus on everything that is negative, we are not likely to spend a peaceful night”, explains Philippe Beaulieu, doctor specializing in sleep disorders (CHU Henri Mondor de Créteil).
Even if the situation is complicated at the moment, “You have to act as if you were pressing a pause button during this time”… It’s not about running away or denying your problems but just saving them for other times of the day. During this stage of preparation, we will try to relax. Eliminate anything that can disturb sleep. We don’t go back to our screens, our emails, our news feeds. And we avoid the news on television. You can install a subdued and soothing light, listen to music, drink herbal tea if you like it, read a good book or a relaxing magazine.
Waking up in the middle of the night: wait a few minutes in the dark
If despite these precautions, you wake up at night, there are several reflexes to adopt. “You have to observe how you feel. If you are still in a certain torpor, you have to wait a few minutes. Chances are good that sleep will return quickly“, advises Philippe Beaulieu. In this case, you should above all not get up, turn on the light or worse, go and look at your cell phone thinking that it will tire you out and bring you back to sleep. Or turn on the television. “On the contrary, it is a stimulation that will block the return to sleep!“, insists the doctor. It is therefore better to wait in the dark.
Listening for sleep signals
In the event that nocturnal awakenings put you in a dynamic state (need to move, boiling brain…), we can first try to stay in the dark. If we find that sleep does not return, we can get up, go to another room, but always in a soft atmosphere. For example with dim light. One can read for example while waiting for the return of sleep signals. And especially welcome them when they return. As soon as you start to yawn or feel a jerk, it is imperative to go back to bed.
Maintain a regular sleep pattern
At the moment, with the constraints linked to teleworking, we are tempted to stay in bed longer in the morning or to work later in the evening. Not really suitable for preserving quality sleep. The ideal is to maintain your rhythm. Get up early in the morning and go to bed at your usual pre-crisis times. This is essential not only to sleep well, but also to avoid waking up several times during the night.
Read also:
- Anxiety disorders, depression… How to get help?
- 6 anti-insomnia foods
- Chronic fatigue: what to do?