According to American researchers, only 5% of people wash their hands properly. One in ten forgets to do this when leaving the toilet.
When hand washing is sorely lacking! American researchers from the University of Michigan took the time to observe 3,749 people washing their hands in public toilets, bars, restaurants and other public establishments. Only 5% of people wash their hands properly.
“For perfect hygiene, we should soap our hands for at least 20 seconds, explains Carl Borchgrevink, who led this study published in the Journal of Environmental Health, we must also make sure to wash well between the fingers, on the palm , in short, to all places in contact with surfaces on which bacteria are deposited ”
And the researcher added, “of the 3,700 people studied, 10% do not wash their hands at all when leaving the toilet (15% of men and 7% of women), 33% are content to pass their hands under the toilet. ‘water without using soap (mostly men) and 52% wash their hands in less than 15 seconds’. Finally, “hand washing is more common in the morning than in the evening, because at the end of the day, people are more relaxed and washing hands becomes less important”, concludes Carl Borchgrevink.
In this list of personal hygiene, the French are not better students than the Americans. According to the health barometer of the National Institute for Prevention and Education for Health (Inpes), 7 out of 10 French people did not wash their hands after taking public transport or after blowing their nose, and 4 in 10 people did not wash their hands before cooking.