It’s fun again

Somehow know Forza Horizongames always strike the right chord. The handling is playful, but just realistic enough for enthusiasts to appreciate. The action is over the top, but not obnoxious. There is a nice atmosphere in the game, without them at do popular. In addition, the playable world is huge and the range of cars even larger. Forza Horizon 5 will be no exception, if we are to believe this trailer.
Below you can see the first eight minutes of gameplay from Forza Horizon 5. You see how you are dropped from a plane up to four times in different parts of Mexico. It gives an impression of how extensive the map is and how atmospheric the game will be again. The game is coming to Xbox and PC on November 5. Unfortunately, PlayStation owners are still out of luck. That’s what you get with a game from Microsoft.
Eight Minutes of Gameplay from Forza Horizon 5
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