A 30-year-old man has been sentenced, this Thursday March 14, to 7 years in prison by the Pontoise Criminal Court, as well as a ban on working with minors and a socio-judicial follow-up of 5 years.
The reason ? Between January 2016 and January 2018, he voluntarily transmitted the AIDS virus to – at least – 16 young women. Tried for “administration of a harmful substance followed by permanent disability”, the man was also entered in the automated judicial file of perpetrators of sexual offenses (Fjais).
The man chose his victims on the most famous “dating sites”: Meetic, Tinder, Facebook or Vivastreet. After a necessary phase of seduction (“He is the first person who told me I love you,” a victim told the court in particular), the man managed to obtain sexual intercourse without a condom with his partner.
“We live with the virus every day”
Often very young (two of them were 13 and 15 years old at the time of the incident), the victims then contracted the disease.
By his own admission, Soulaima “suspected” to be HIV-positive in 2016 – however, he was confirmed in the summer of 2017. The man pleaded denial: “I did not admit it. For me it was impossible ”he defended himself in court.
“With the other victims, we live with the virus every day, reacted a victim, quoted by The Gazette. Human and physical relationships are not easy. We are women, having children is becoming complicated, breastfeeding will not be possible … “
In France, according to Sida Info Service, 152,000 people are living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In 2016, the number of people who found out that they were HIV positive was 6,003.
Read also :
AIDS: still the leading cause of death for women
80 teens die of AIDS every day
Experts worry about a resurgence of the AIDS epidemic