Pump strokes, muscle weakness, difficulty concentrating or headaches… Fatigue can become chronic and influence mood and quality of life. If there is no cure for fatigue that is infallible, we can still try natural solutions …
The physical fatigue is a feeling of exhaustion of the body which generally prevents the performance of physical or mental activities. It is caused by an imbalance between the energy we spend and the way we recover this expended force.
The nervous fatigue as for it is more diffuse, intangible and difficult to locate. It first affects our intellectual faculties and manifests itself in several phenomena: difficulty concentrating, decreased vigilance, drowsiness, etc. We can also observe factors like stress, anxiety, loss of appetite and sleep.
The chronic fatigue, it is a fatigue that can be qualified as “pathological”. It does not pass with rest and can last for several months. It is then accompanied by other symptoms such as joint or muscle pain, memory loss… In some cases, chronic fatigue can be a symptom of a disease such as fibromyalgia.
Faced with these fatigue problems, we often feel helpless. It is also one of the most frequent causes of consultation in France.
So is there a remedy for fatigue that is both natural and effective? How to get out of it? Let’s take a look at the stimulating plants, energizing algae and essential oils …
1- Spirulina
Spirulina is a tiny green freshwater algae which concentrates nutrients in an exceptional way: vitamins (especially of group B), minerals, amino acids (in large quantities), essential fatty acids … It is a energy booster peerless, usually found in tablets or capsules.
2- black spruce essential oil
There are a large number of anti-fatigue essential oils which each act in their own way: lemon, basil, rosemary… And especially black spruce. This essential oil stimulates the adrenal glands that produce cortisol. However, this hormone is very precious for our tone.
It is enough to pour 2 or 3 pure drops on the tip of your index fingers (it is not irritating) and to massage the small of your kidneys, at the level of the lumbar region. To be done every morning for at least ten days, to be renewed every quarter.
3- Mate, a remedy for fatigue
Mate is a tree native to South America (Argentina and Brazil) which can reach 10 m high. It helps to fight physical and mental fatigue and thus contributes to the improvement of vigilance and attention.
Its particularity is to contain a mixture of several types of caffeine. This mixture allowsincrease arousal and fight against falling asleep. It has diuretic, antioxidant and laxative properties. It is also packed with vitamins A, B and C, magnesium and calcium.
4- Ginseng
Ginseng is one of the major plants of the Chinese pharmacopoeia. It is also one of the best known anti-fatigue remedies in the West. It is justified: ginseng is a invigorating plant which works on all fronts without causing the slightest nervousness or the smallest side effect.
Ginseng stimulates physical and mental tone, and tones the nervous system. As a bonus, it is said to be “adaptogenic”: it helps us adapt to stressful situations which thus become less tiring.
5- Eleutherococcus
With its strange name which evokes a bacterium, eleutherococcus is a plant which has only been known in France for a few decades. Yet in the icy plains of distant Siberia, it serves as aanti-fatigue for centuries !
Eleutherococcus is a global stimulant, which soothes both physical fatigue and nervous fatigue. It stimulates the appetite, which is interesting in periods of convalescence. It does not present any risk of side effects.
6- Acerola, a super food rich in vitamins
Acerola is a fruit tangy red, native to South America that looks like a small Cherry brilliant. In organic version, it is a superfood that has all the virtues of a natural multivitamin.
Stuffed with flavonoids, which ensure a good assimilation of micronutrients, this little ” Cherry Is ultra rich in vitamin C (35 times more than orange) which restores balance and tone to the body. You can consume acerola in juice or as a food supplement under form chewable tablets, powders or capsules.
7- Royal jelly
The Royal jelly is a gift from the bees. They make this whitish jelly to feed the queen of the hive. Result: it is much larger and fat than its congeners, and it lives much longer.
It is a great concentrate of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It also contains a particular substance that optimizes nervous and cerebral functioning. Excellent remedy against fatigue, it is also found in the form of paste in small jars or liquid packaged in ampoules.
What about food supplements?
In the event of chronic or persistent fatigue, one can from time to time carry out a cure of food supplementss natural that will boost your tone. For example, take a three-week treatment at the beginning of autumn and another at the beginning of winter.
There is a wide variety of anti-fatigue dietary supplements that generally contain vitamin C and magnesium. Each laboratory then adds its own ingredients: amino acids, minerals (zinc, selenium, etc.), group B vitamins (for the brain and nervous system), etc.
For example we can take food supplements of vitamin C available in pharmacies or multivitamins such as Ultra Vitamins fromActinutrition which helps fight against the feeling of fatigue thanks to the combined action of 11 vitamins (A, B, C, D and E), coenzyme Q10 and 7 essential minerals (iron, chromium, magnesium, zinc, etc.).
Do you know a another 100% natural remedy for fatigue ? Tell us in the comments.