“She never had the chance to be a little girl”. This is what declares in The Mirror, Tam Dover, re Emily, his five year old daughter. A phrase that speaks volumes, since the little girl, who lives in Gosford, Australia, grew up prematurely: at two years old, her breasts began to develop and develop.acne appeared on his face. At four years old, she had her rules has developed excessive hairiness. Now five years old, she is about to be Menopaused.
Expensive treatment
It all starts a week after Emily’s birth: the little girl keeps crying and has trouble sleeping. Very quickly, her parents noticed that she was growing faster than normal: at four months, she was the size of a one-year-old child. Emily sees many specialists, who fail to identify her problem. Four years later, the diagnosis was made: the girl had Addison’s disease, which is characterized by adrenal insufficiency, but also congenital adrenal hyperplasia, early puberty central, spectrum disorderautism, sensory disturbance and disturbance anxious.
A reality that is difficult for a little girl to understand, her parents say: “It’s hard to explain to her what’s going on, even though she knows she is different, that she is much taller than other children. is very conscious of her body, ”explains her mother. To put an end to this hormonal imbalance, the girl must undergo a treatment which will trigger her menopause, but each injection costs 1,455 dollars, or approximately 1,235 euros. To cover these expenses, his parents launched a campaign crowdfunding. Good news: the target, set at 5,000 dollars, was exceeded in two weeks.
Read also :
Early menopause: its effects on health
What is early menopause?
Early menopause increases cardiovascular risk