The first article of the bill on marriage for all has been passed definitively. While the debate is still very heated, the American Academy of Pediatrics says “yes” to same-sex marriage.
179 votes against 157… Senators said yes to same-sex marriage. Tuesday, April 9, the first article of the Taubira bill was adopted “compliant”, in other words without modification compared to the vote at first reading in the National Assembly. This vote therefore becomes final unless the whole of the bill is rejected at the end of its examination by the Senate. Opponents of same-sex marriage do not disarm, however, since they have announced the organization of a new national demonstration on May 26. The pros and the anti-gay marriages therefore stick to their positions.
In this ideological clash, the recent position of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) deserves a close look. She has scrutinized all the scientific studies published on the subject and she believes that the results accumulated for more than 30 years show that children raised by gay or lesbian parents do not suffer more than children of heterosexual parents from lack of esteem. of oneself, of anxiety or even of depression… The American Academy, which represents 60,000 pediatricians, therefore declares itself in favor of marriage for all and homoparentality, in the interests of the child. The scientific elements put forward by the AAP make it possible to respond, in part, to the arguments raised by anti-gay marriage.
Answers to 5 misconceptions about homoparentality
1 – “To build up, the child needs to identify with a male referent and a female referent”
A study of 154 lesbian mothers, whose children were followed for 17 years, provides some answers. The mothers all said that the education of their children was based on a male model. And half of the children said they had actually spotted this male referent. Concerning children raised by men, studies are rarer but the American Academy of Pediatrics points out that “recent studies affirm that families created by gays are ultimately very similar to those created by lesbians. “
2 – “Homoparentality could harm the psychological health of the child”
American pediatricians are adamant. “There is no causal link between the sexual orientation of the parents and the emotional, psychosocial and behavioral development of the child. They do not suffer more from mental disorders than other children. A brand new study from the Center for Family Research at the University of Cambridge drives the point home. And it is notable since it was conducted in Great Britain where adoption by same-sex couples has been allowed since 2005. Result: the only difference between same-sex and heterosexual families that emerged was the level of depressive symptoms among parents. . And in this case, gay fathers were less depressed than average.
3 – “Children from homoparental families are marginalized and therefore less well integrated socially”
On this point, the facts are stubborn. Compilations of studies carried out in 1992, in 2002 and then in 2010 reach the same conclusion: children of same-sex parents resemble other children, and in particular as regards “experiences of stigmatization and social integration”. The AAP even points out that one of the studies showing poorer learning outcomes in school among children raised by parents of the same sex was carried out in 1996. “All previous research on children who grew up with gay parents or lesbians have taken place against a background of widespread social stigma and include a majority of children whose parents are single or divorced, which can only contribute to poor outcomes for children. “
4 – “Having two parents of the same sex poses problems as to the biological origin of children”
On this point, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not really provide any answer, except that all scientific studies show that homosexual parents all attach importance to some form of transparency on the subject. filiation. As with any adopted child today, the truth about origins is the rule. However, if same-sex couples can one day have access to assisted reproduction techniques – as the AAP wishes – children who are born will find themselves in the same situation as any child born to a child. donation of gametes. However, according to an American study, 67% of people conceived by donation would like to obtain information on their parent. In France, the association “Medically Anonymous Procreation”, which campaigns for the right to know one’s personal origins, has also made its voice heard in the debate on marriage for all by recalling that “the original biological act does not can be forgotten, even if biological filiation should not take precedence over social filiation ”.
5 – “The studies on homoparentality are not strong enough to conclude”
The AAP recognizes that the number of families studied is often small, that the methodology of the studies is not perfect. But, “it is likely that the extensive research efforts that have been carried out would have revealed serious and significant damage had they existed. “
Supporting scientific studies, the AAP therefore clearly takes a position in favor of same-sex marriage, but also adoption and assisted reproduction for same-sex couples. For American pediatricians, if all the results are consistent, it is because marriage offers a safe environment for families, which is obviously beneficial to the development of the child. Moreover, several studies underline that children from single-parent families present more psychosocial difficulties than others. For American pediatricians, the well-being of children therefore depends more on the quality of family relationships than on the sexual orientation of the parents.