To soothe bites: white vinegar
This is the classic summer scenario: mosquito bites that itch terribly but no cream on hand to soothe them effectively. In this case, white vinegar is the remedy you need: rich in acetic acid, it calms the itching in a few minutes. Thanks to him, the itching is over!
The cure : In case of bites, apply pure white vinegar using a generously soaked compress, wait a few minutes and repeat 2 to 3 times a day. The good news: It also works for wasp stings!
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To treat canker sores: tea bags
Ouch, mouth ulcers ! If you’ve been overeating nuts and they’ve left traces in your mouth, consider tea! The tannins contained in tea (especially in the green tea) indeed have astringent properties. They dry out canker sores, relieve pain caused by the lesion and make it easier to go away.
The cure : Soak a tea bag, squeeze it to remove excess water. Then apply it directly against canker sore, like a poultice. Repeat daily until the canker sore is completely gone.
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Can we get rid of canker sores?
To calm the pain: Cayenne pepper
You had to think about it: Cayenne pepper helps calm pain. Why ? Because it contains an active called capsaicin, which would have an analgesic effect and would, according to German and English studies, reduce joint pain (arhtrosis, etc.) as well as certain muscle pain.
The cure : mix a teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly, apply to the painful area and place a compress over it. Here is a 100% natural heating patch to overcome your pain!
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To relieve headaches: coffee
One would have thought that coffee gave a headache, and yet… it’s the opposite! Several studies have indeed proven the analgesic and vasoconstrictor effect of caffeine. A little coffee to fight headaches, it’s that easy!
The cure : To drink A coffee long, stronger in caffeine than an espresso, preferably without milk or sugar, if possible before 4 p.m.
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To relieve heartburn: Baking soda
Did you know that food baking soda is the perfect remedy to overcome heartburn? Thanks to its high pH, it indeed helps to neutralize the hydrochloric acid responsible for burns. Convenient, isn’t it?
The cure : Dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water. Be careful, however, not to use it too often so as not to weaken the acid-base balance of the stomach.
To know more
“Family remedies, smart and natural treatment from A to Z”, by Dr Henry Puget, published by La Martinière.