Can you get breast cancer from one glass of alcohol a day?
Sometimes you hear stories about nutrition and breast cancer that make you think: is that true or not? Much has not or hardly been properly researched, but fortunately we are learning more and more about the influence of food on cancer through new research. Five science-backed facts about nutrition and breast cancer.
1. Even one glass of alcohol a day increases your risk of breast cancer
Alcohol in any form increases your risk of breast cancer (and a number of other cancers). So it doesn’t matter whether you drink wine, beer, a cocktail or, for example, whiskey. It is the alcohol (ethanol) itself that is harmful, even in small amounts. Therefore, it is better not to drink alcohol at all.
Alcohol also contains a lot of calories, which makes it easy to gain weight. Being overweight increases your risk of at least 12 types of cancer, including breast cancer. With the Alcohol Calories Calculator from the World Cancer Research Fund you can easily calculate how many calories your drink contains.
2. E numbers don’t cause breast cancer
E numbers are substances that are added to our food to improve its quality, color or shelf life. Some E numbers are made artificially and others are natural substances, such as vitamin C (E300) and lemon juice (E330).
Before E-numbers can be used, they are extensively tested for safety. Only after the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has decided that a substance is safe, is it given an E number. You can therefore safely eat and drink products with E numbers, without having to worry that it will increase your risk of breast cancer.
3. Dietary Supplements Are Not Without Risks
Many people take one or even more supplements, because they think it is good for their health and reduces the chance of getting (breast) cancer. People often think: ‘it doesn’t help, it doesn’t harm’, but taking supplements is not without risks. If you take in too many vitamins and minerals, this can be harmful. Some studies even show that high-dose supplements may increase the risk of cancer.
A healthy and varied diet protects you better against (breast) cancer than taking supplements. Only for special groups and in case of a shortage is advised to take a supplement.
4. Soy does not increase the risk of breast cancer
Soy is often associated with a higher risk of breast cancer, but to date there is no evidence for this. Eating and drinking soy products, such as soy milk or tofu, are part of a healthy diet.
Soy is high in fiber and protein and is a good plant-based substitute for red meat. There is even some evidence that soy may lower the risk of breast cancer. More research is needed to make recommendations on this.
5. Breastfeeding can protect you against breast cancer
If you have become or will soon be a mother, it is good to breastfeed your baby, at least for the first six months. The longer and more often you breastfeed, the more you reduce your risk of breast cancer.
In addition to a protective effect for you, breastfeeding also reduces the risk of overweight in your child, now and later.
This article was produced in collaboration with the World Cancer Research Fund. World Cancer has been the authority in the Netherlands in the field of nutrition, exercise, body weight and cancer for more than 25 years. There are no guarantees against cancer, but by eating and living healthily we can reduce the risk of cancer.