the smoking and thealcohol are the two main causes of cancer in France, according to the new public health report. These two risk factors are modifiable and 41% of cancers could be prevented.
The most common cancers in women are thought to be breast cancer followed by the colon-rectal cancer and lung. the Prostate cancer affects most men then that of the lung and that of the colon-rectum. In France, there are 346,000 new cases of cancer, 190,000 for men and 156,000 for women.
A scientific project organized by the International Cancer Research Center (Circ) brought together more than 80 experts from the main French research or public health institutions to conduct research on preventable factors in cancer.
The exposure levels of the French population to thirteen risk factors classified as carcinogenic by the Circ have been analyzed and the associated cancer risks established.
Risk factors related to lifestyle and the environment
The results of the study revealed that approximately four cancers in ten were attributable in 2015 in France to risk factors related to lifestyle and the environment.
142,000 cancers could have been avoided out of the 346,000 new cases diagnosed in adults.
The figures highlight the weight of the tobacco consumption in France, which caused 20% of cancers in 2015.alcohol is the second leading cause of cancer in France, responsible for 8% of new cases in 2015, followed by diet (5.7%) in men and overweight and obesity (6.8%) among women.
However, preventive actions have not yet been as developed as those aimed at reducing smoking, nor for these other major risk factors (alcohol, food, overweight), nor for others such as exposure to UV (solar risk) or some infections (HPV), for which there are, however, effective preventive actions.
Read also :
Prostate cancer: smoking increases risk of death
Eating too much fat promotes the development of prostate cancer
Fat mass, a risk factor for breast cancer