The end of the year is approaching and it is traditionally the period of the balance sheets! The Axa Prévention association has just published its first Observatory of the prevention of everyday risks, a vast national survey conducted among 4,000 French people aged 15 and over. The objective: to enable everyone to become aware of the “risky” behaviors they adopt on a daily basis…
Unsurprisingly, it is in terms of health that the French are the least cautious: thus, we are 32% to declare “not to carry out” the screenings recommended by the Health Insurance – and in particular screening for cancer colorectal and breast cancer, which is free from the age of 50.
2 out of 5 French people do not eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day
34% of French people remain seated all day and 50% admit that they do not play sports: we know, however, that, each year, physical inactivity is responsible for 430,000 deaths worldwide since it increases the risk of developing type 1 diabetes. 2, a situation of obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease… The ideal? 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day!
Despite official recommendations, 40% of French people do not consume 5 servings of fruit and/or vegetables per day. Regarding overexposure to screens, 34% of French people admit “not being able to prevent themselves” from looking at their mobile phone every 10 minutes; 25% also acknowledge having already given a tablet to a child under 6 years old and left them alone.
Last info: only 19% of French people know the emergency number to contact in the event of a domestic accident (burn, injury, etc.) – as a reminder, it’s 112! What if we took some good resolutions for the new year?
Source: Axa Prevention press release
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