The April study by the Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics Department (DREES) looks back on the practice of breastfeeding in France.
It indicates that in 2013 (latest data collected) the share of infants breastfed at birth rose to 66% (i.e. two out of three babies). But it is only 40% at 11 weeks, 30% at 4 months and 18% at 6 months, “a lower level than that of neighboring European countries” underlines Annick Vilain, main author of the study.
85% of breastfed children overseas
Since 2004, the DREES has collected individual data each year relating to the three health certificates, transmitted by the departmental maternal and child protection services (PMI). These certificates, produced on the 8th day, the 9th month and the 24th month, provide an update on the child’s diet at these three ages.
But the national figures hide great national disparities. There are thus many more breastfed children in Ile-de-France, in eastern France and especially in the overseas departments and regions (excluding Mayotte) where breastfeeding at birth concerns 85%. children. While the departments of the North (Aisne, Somme, Pas-de Calais) and central France (Cantal, Allier) show rates below 50%.
Less than one in five children breastfeed for six months
Yes breastfeeding at birth has progressed since the 90s, it should be noted that one in 10 breastfeeding mothers stops as soon as they leave the maternity ward. While the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of breastfeeding until the child is 6 months old, in France weaning remains rapid.
Thus, the proportion of children breastfed, exclusively or mixed, is only 50% at 5 weeks and 40% at 11 weeks. “This period corresponds to the end of maternity leave for single pregnancies and the possible resumption of professional activity” explains the researcher. At 6 months, only 18.5% are breastfed.
The study also shows that breastfeeding is more common among:
• women aged 30 or over
• women graduates and higher socio-professional category
• women who gave birth at home
• women who have attended childbirth preparation sessions.
Read also :
Breastfeeding protects against ENT infections
Infographic: good reasons to breastfeed