Following an agreement between health insurance and the two main liberal midwifery unions, from next year the price of the consultation and the home visit of the midwife will go from 23 to 25 euros. A revaluation of the acts of rehabilitation of the perineum, monitoring of pathological pregnancies and monitoring at the end of pregnancy is also planned.
This agreement also allows midwives to carry out the first consultation on contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted infections from 2019. for young girls aged 15 to 18, an act remunerated at 46 euros and which was until now reserved for doctors.
In addition, certain prices will be doubled: 40 euros instead of 21 for an emergency intervention on Sundays and public holidays, 80 euros instead of 40 for a night delivery.
Read also :
An information campaign on the role of midwives
The skills of midwives are broadened