175 doctors sent an open letter to Prime Minister Edouard Philippe to denounce the lack of resources they experience on a daily basis. This situation represents, according to them, a “danger to the lives of others”.
Doctors can no longer fulfill “their public service mission” for lack of resources, and warn of “endangering the lives of others”. They are 175 to report it in an open letter to the attention of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. These professionals, who practice as a liberal or in the hospital, want to be received at Matignon.
Deaths that are not “isolated facts”
“We are alerting you to a danger to the lives of others and non-assistance to anyone in danger. Danger to the population who comes to us, and danger to the professionals who must fulfill this task without have the means”, underline these professionals who consider that the “mediatized deaths which have occurred recently” are not “isolated facts”. On the contrary, they are, according to them, the “clear signs of the national degradation of hospital services”. Several cases have made headlines, such as the death of Naomi Musenga, who died after calling the Strasbourg Samu for abdominal pain last December.
A letter that has remained unanswered since September
The signatory doctors want the reduction of resources within the hospital to stop and ask to “immediately stop any bed closure, abolition of nursing station” and “to hire trained staff or to be trained as soon as possible”. This letter follows a first missive sent last September to Agnès Buzyn by 1,350 hospital doctors in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, which remained unanswered.
Mobilization in hospitals has not weakened in recent weeks. Last Saturday, the staff of local maternity wards demonstrated to defend their establishments, which are subject to budgetary restrictions and sometimes threatened with closure.