To slip into your wallet or pocket, this card brings together various personal information relating in particular to health. It is therefore for the emergency services to act accordingly, without having to wait, in the event of an accident or discomfort.
Last name, first name, attending physician, blood group, family contact …. This practical card brings together all the information useful for emergency services in the event of an accident. This is to prevent them from wasting time in caring for the injured person.
The first copies of this card will be distributed to MEPs on February 11, on the occasion of the second European day of 112. The First Aid 112 card is then intended to be held by all Europeans. For now, partnerships with various organizations are under discussion. The latter will take care of the distribution of the cards.
“Some 10,000 people could be saved each year in France thanks to an effective intervention of the emergency services during a malaise or an accident”, estimates the Foundation 112, which collaborated in the development of this map.
The call number 112 allows you to contact the emergency services from any country in the European Union. Free, Europeans can dial it from a landline or mobile 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
According to a European study in February 2009, only 22% of French people said they knew 112. Less than 3% of young French people under the age of 18 know for their part this European emergency number.