The Swedish novelist Henning Mankell reveals in the pages of the Swedish daily Göteborgs-Posten that he is, at 65 years old, suffering from a Cancer at an advanced stage.
This terrible disease was diagnosed earlier this year by doctors at Gothenburg hospital. The tumors are located in the back of the neck and one of the lungs, and the cancer has already reached an advanced stage. “It was serious. I had a tumor in the back of my neck and another in my left lung. The cancer could have spread to other parts of my body,” reports Henning Mankell.
The father of Inspector Kurt Wallander will use his talent as a writer to tell in the columns of the Swedish daily Göteborgs-Posten his suffering and the disease that inhabits him.
“I immediately decided to write about this disease, because it is ultimately a pain and suffering that affects a lot of people. But I will write from the perspective of life, not death, ”writes the 65-year-old writer who will be chronicling the Swedish daily.
Henning Mankell has published 12 novels featuring Commissioner Kurt Wallander. They have been translated into 35 languages and have sold over 40 million copies worldwide. The writer also writes columns in the Göteborgs Posten (GP), a major Swedish daily. The first mention of his illness was published today in this journal.
Henning Mankell is one of the many victims of this type of cancer. According to figures from the Institute for Public Health Surveillance and the National Cancer Institute, 30,651 new cases of lung cancer that were diagnosed (including 78% in humans) were the cause of 26,624 deaths in France. Lung cancer are the leading cause of cancer death.