This Sunday, September 20, 2019 marks World Osteoporosis Day: the aim of this day is to raise public awareness of a disease that affects 25% of women over 50 and 50% of women over 75 in France.
What is osteoporosis? The French Society of Rheumatology defines osteoporosis as a “disease which weakens the bone with a risk of occurrence of fractures for minimal trauma”.
In case of osteoporosis, the slightest shock or blow, the slightest fall can cause a fracture. The bones most frequently affected are the wrist, the upper end of the femur (we speak of “fracture of the neck of the femur”), the pelvis and the vertebrae (we then speak of “vertebral compression”).
Osteoporosis: we must quit smoking!
Who is concerned ? Osteoporosis mainly concerns women after the course of menopause (which generally occurs around the age of 50). There are, in addition, aggravating factors: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of vitamin D and/or calcium, physical inactivity as well as certain pathologies (hyperthyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis).
What are the symptoms ? A vertebral, wrist or femoral neck fracture may indicate the presence of osteoporosis. Ditto for a reduction in height (a “settling”) of 4 centimeters or more. And pain on movement (bending over, climbing stairs, walking, etc.) should also be a warning.
Osteoporosis, where is the research? Research has recently shown that gentle physical activity (eg swimming) combined with a Mediterranean diet (vegetables, fruits, olive oil, low sugar and salt) can protect the postmenopausal women against osteoporosis.
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