Kadaza is a popular homepage. It contains all kinds of websites in an organized manner, so that you can easily find and visit them. In this workshop you will learn how to set up the Kadaza start page completely to your own wishes.
If you want to know how to use the Kadaza home page to easily find and visit websites, read this workshop first.
Change Kadaza wallpaper
First you go to Kadaza by surfing to www.kadaza.nl
On Kadaza you can choose your own background. That might be a bit nicer than the standard white background:
- Click Change background at the top right.
In the window that appears on the left are the different categories of backgrounds that you can choose from. On the right you see the backgrounds with an example.
To take a color as background:
- Click on Popular on the left first.
- Click on Set on the right of the backgrounds behind a color, for example with Dark Gray.
- To properly see the new background, click on the X X in the Change Background window.
Do you prefer an image as background?
- Click Change background.
- Click on a category, for example Nature.
- Click Set on the right behind a background, for example Tuscany (Italy).
- Close the Change Background window.
To return to the original background:
- Click Change background.
- Click on the Popular category.
- Right behind the background Blank, click Set.
- Close the Change Background window.
Choose your search engine
You can use Kadaza’s search box to search the internet. By default, the search engine Google is set. If you prefer to use a different search engine by default, specify it like this:
- Click Preferences in the top right. You can also click on the gear in the blue bar.
- Click Set up favorite search engine.
- Click on the search engine you want to use.
- Click Save.
Set appearance Kadaza
If you don’t find the layout of the Kadaza pages very useful, you can try the alternative layout perhaps better for you.
- Click Preferences in the top right. You can also click on the gear in the blue bar.
- Click on ClassicView.
- The home page layout now changes to the classic look.
To revert to the default layout, turn off Classic View.
Changing the layout of websites on Kadaza
There are a lot of icons on the Kadaza home pages. Of course, it’s most useful if the icons of favorite websites you visit most often are at the top and front. You can set this yourself.
If you want to reposition an icon:
- Click on the pencil icon in the blue bar.
- You can now drag the icons. For example, drag the YouTube icon down one row and release it there.
The rest of the icons move forward one place. This way you can put all the icons in the order you want.
When you’re done scrolling, click the pencil icon in the blue bar.
Add your own websites
Even more convenient than setting the order of the icons is the ability to add new websites yourself. This is how you do it:
- Click on the pencil icon in the blue bar.
- Choose an icon of a website you want to customize. So for example a website that you never visit. At that website, click the pencil icon in the top right corner.
You can choose from one of the popular websites in the list on the right by clicking on its name. You can also look up a website yourself:
- Type the name of the website in the search box at the top, for example plus online.
- Click on the magnifying glass.
- One or more websites that match the name typed will appear in the list. If you don’t see your desired website there, type a variation of the name and search again.
- Click on the website you want to add.
- An icon of the website with the link to it is added to the home page.
- Click on the pencil icon in the blue bar.
- Test out the new icon by clicking on it.
This way you can fill the entire homepage with your favorite websites.
Back to how it was
If you’ve changed several settings on the home page but still prefer the original Kadaza home page, reset everything with this option:
- Click Preferences in the top right. You can also click on the gear in the blue bar.
- Click on Restore Kadaza to original state.
- Click OK.
Kadaza is now back to normal.
Set up popular websites abroad
Kadaza is primarily aimed at Dutch websites. Sometimes it is useful if you can also see and visit popular websites in other countries:
- Click on the Netherlands at the top right.
- Click on another country, for example Belgium.
You will see the home page for that country. All other home pages in the different categories are now also focused on that country. To return to the Netherlands, simply open the list of countries again and click on the Netherlands.