Good question! In this section PlusOnline goes in search of answers to nagging questions. This time: why do you fart in yoga or pilates class?
During every yoga or Pilates class it happens to someone: a wind escapes. By sitting in the so-called child’s position or by doing, for example, the Rolling Like a Ball exercise. Very simple and nothing to be ashamed of. But why is this happening?
Breathing is very important in both yoga and pilates. These breathing exercises allow you to breathe in a lot of air. This air ends up in your digestive tract and yes, it naturally comes out through the anus.
Another reason for farting during yoga or Pilates class is a simple one: relaxation. If all goes well, you will relax from the class and your muscles will also become looser and less tense. And that also applies to the sphincter and – oops – that creates ‘a breeze’. Nothing to be ashamed of and you are certainly not the only one this has happened to.
Vaginal Farts
In addition to farting, women can also experience air escaping from the vagina. During a complicated yoga position, air escapes from the sheath. Also very normal. By doing such a difficult exercise, air can first be sucked in and it has to go out again. Advantage of vaginal winds: they do not smell. If you have a lot of vaginal winds, doing pelvic floor exercises can help.