If they take on different colors, smells and densities depending on the day, it seems obvious that our urine reflects a more or less healthy lifestyle. But how to understand and put this link into perspective? Here are our answers.
Urine, an effective symbol of our state of health
We know that urine is a way for our body to get rid of the waste it contains. Indeed, the kidneys eliminate these, which very logically end up in our urine.
According to Dr. Richard Mallet, Vice-President of the French Association of Urology, urine “can reflect our state of health and include waste products such as nicotine, which explains the risk of bladder tumors occurring, which is very high in smokers.”
Did you know ? Sugary urine is a sign of diabetes? Historically, diabetes was diagnosed by tasting the urine to detect a sweet taste! Today, we obviously no longer taste urine, but screening for diabetes can be done by urine dipstick to detect the presence of sugar in the urine, before confirming the diagnosis with a blood test.
But how do you know if you should be worried? For Dr Richard Mallet, “we must rely on the color of urine. The darker the urine, the more concentrated and sometimes malodorous it is, a sign that it is necessary to drink to hydrate. “Drinking 2L a day may even prove to be insufficient if you practice sport or when you sweat a lot”, specifies the doctor. Remember that hydration is the key to preventing concentrated urine.
When should you consult?
Yes, but beyond color and concentration, how can we realize that our urine poses a real problem? According to Dr Richard Mallet, “it is necessary to consult your doctor when you feel that the bladder empties badly, the bladder empties several times and you have to push to urinate. Symptoms can also be marked by urgent needs to go to the bathroom, urgent leaks and frequent nighttime risings. The occurrence also of urinary tract infections or urinary bleeding requires consultation.”
On a daily basis, observing your urine from time to time is therefore a good way to take your body temperature, without needing to be unduly alarmed. The main thing is to know how to listen to yourself.
Read also:
Bladder: how to take care of it on a daily basis
Infographic: the 9 colors of your urine
Cystitis: what you can do before consulting
What do you know about urination?